Much awaited changes required on IRCTC website has been at-last launched for user. The new look and feel and much more user friendly feature has been added . You can visit new look at this URL . Currently this is under Beta Phase for user trial.The best thing for this new look is that it is fully responsive design and compatible with mobile device which is not available in OLD version of Portal.
The new design has lot more improvisation and with much more user -friendly GUI for example they have added a ICON for DAY ,Night ,Total time for journey .Selection and navigation has made very easy than earlier.
Most importnt feature that IRCTC has added is WL/RAC ticket predication . This will tell you what is probability your WL/RAC ticket.
According to the new feature of wait-list prediction, it provide prediction about chances of a wait-listed or a RAC ticket to get confirmed on the basis of booking trends.
As per the officials , The algorithm will take into account last 13 years' data to arrive at a "robust, workable model".
If you see this feature is already being provided by private party and in this regard IRCTC is very late.
Well Official claim that IRCTC " Indian Railways system would be more reliable as it would have the advantage of the database of the national transporter.
Another important feature which IRCTC has dealyed is "NO Login required for PNR and Avalialbity status "
But this time IRCTC has made this now user need not even log in to the new website to enquire or search for trains and check on availability of seats.
IRCTC has taken so long to revamp their website ,Now its time for people to provide feedback on this new look and new feature.
The new design has lot more improvisation and with much more user -friendly GUI for example they have added a ICON for DAY ,Night ,Total time for journey .Selection and navigation has made very easy than earlier.
Most importnt feature that IRCTC has added is WL/RAC ticket predication . This will tell you what is probability your WL/RAC ticket.

As per the officials , The algorithm will take into account last 13 years' data to arrive at a "robust, workable model".
If you see this feature is already being provided by private party and in this regard IRCTC is very late.
Well Official claim that IRCTC " Indian Railways system would be more reliable as it would have the advantage of the database of the national transporter.
Another important feature which IRCTC has dealyed is "NO Login required for PNR and Avalialbity status "
But this time IRCTC has made this now user need not even log in to the new website to enquire or search for trains and check on availability of seats.
IRCTC has taken so long to revamp their website ,Now its time for people to provide feedback on this new look and new feature.
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